6 ways to Setup Android for Cost effective Roaming

Smartphone is as needy as passport in your travel of Roaming, but it is quite common to get huge bills due to many service providers charges and data charges. This post will let you setup your android device for saving your money while roaming around freely.

Welcome back to Intelligent Computing, using Smartphone is not enough, we recommend be smart. There are lots of way you can pay high bills without any special use of your phone while on roaming. But you can save a packet of money when you get smarter in advance and prepare yourself just before you roam.

You can think one way to turn off all the data services and even monitor data usage to control your expanses while on roaming, here in this post we have compiled a lot more ways to get more savings than you even imagined.

1. Check your Service providers Policy and pricing

The first and most important thing I will suggest you to is check their policy, pricing of data usage, call incoming and outgoing and if there are any plans of packs for making it cheaper by paying small charges. Opt those offers if your estimate usage is higher than you normal.

2. Get Offline Google map for Roaming

For many phones, Google Maps now let maps available offline for few areas. You don’t have to pay data charges when you get lost and it would be easy to search for restaurant, coffee shop while keep your data service off.

Just in Google Map, hit menu > Make available offline > and Pan a box around the area you want to visit, it would show you estimate size in MBs after that, it would save entire data of selected location and it would be easy to navigate and that too free.

3. Adjust your Android Settings

Roaming allow you to use the data services while abroad, fortunately you can turn it off too. You just have to go to Menu > Settings >

Either look in Mobile network or network depends upon your Android version. Also you can quickly turn mobile network on or off simply by pulling down quick settings.

4. Use Wi-Fi as much as possible

Now a day’s everywhere you go, from coffee shop to hotel lobby, they provide you Wi-Fi access for your mobile devices. You sometime have to pay small charges for that but surly it will be far cheaper than mobile networks data charge.

Feel free to ask for Wi-Fi access wherever you go, and pay when it really needs to.

5. Control your Data usage

Now a day’s Android device supports data usage monitoring and controlling utility inside it. You can estimate your data usage and limit it and even turn the data off when reaches a particular limit.

Just before getting on roaming, just do this. Menu > Setting > usage. Set ‘Reset data count’ on first day of roaming, you can set red line to your maximum possible usage and green line to the amount when you would like to get notified.

Once you reach your Data usage limit, data services will be automatically turn off and you’ll save a lot.

6. Get SIM and charger for your destination

Getting local SIM for your destination is easiest way to save lots of money, but you need to do a lot for this, getting SIM is not enough, you’ll need to unlock the phone buy top up etc. you can get the roaming SIMs specially for roaming and pay as you go. You can find more here on Www.RoamingSims.com

Don’t freak out and forget charger, get a portable charger and if possible a USB charger with you with even portable power source. This will really help you if you want to enjoy music of video on the Go.

Bottom line: Planning will save

Surly, planning these before you go ahead, will help you in saving huge bills and data charges. Hope you find this post useful and I would love to hear from your side, your own way to save or anything else you can suggest us. Don’t forget to share this post on Mail, FB or tweet it. Don’t forget to be awesome have nice time.


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