Use Pen Drive As RAM

Using USB to boost your PC: Intelligent computing Image credit
Having 2 GB RAM and want to Run heavy program that usually hangs and don’t respond on your PC. Try this best alternative on your PC with Windows 7 along with 4 GB USB flash drive to boost its performance.

Step 1:

Insert a 4GB Pen Drive

Insert Pen drive: Intelligent Computing

Step 2: Go to Properties by Right Clicking

Editing the properties of USB to ready boot: Intelligent Computing

Step 3: 

Select Tab Ready Boost and Option Dedicate this device to 

Ready Boost

Now Your 4GB Pen Drive Will Add 1 GB of RAM to Your System

but it will not be available for User File Until Properties will be 

changed to Normal.  



  1. hmmmmmmmmmmm nice trick i surely try.. nice work man keeep it up

  2. heyyy visit to my blog

  3. i dont have dat option in my properties.could you plzz help me

  4. @anusha
    hi anu
    its option is by default in windows 7 or say it works in windows 7 and there you will get the tab as shown but if u r not using windows 7 give me time i'll get back to u with any posible solution if i could find..
    Any if u r having any computing prob or quarry you can mail it on
    or simply comment here.. Stay in touch..

  5. im using windows xp & my RAM won't support other dan dat

  6. anusha thanx for making me aware m still don't have time but you can do one thing in xp.. go to system properties and in advance tab look for performance opsn look for some option there you can assign the 4 GB of pegging file space from each drive and enhance ur pc performance... catch u soon with solution... by the way u have nice blog and feeling as well

  7. sorry, i didnt get could u plzz explain me in detail

  8. Windows XP users can use eboostr to USB, SSD, RAM as cache to improve system performance.

    Again, Readyboost doesn't add additional 1GB RAM!
    There is not comparison between USB(max USB 3.0 read speed 70mbps) and RAM(above 1.6gbps) in terms of speed.

    1. yeha.... exactly but it was believed before year, i tried to do this but after that i was in mood the post recent post denying this, you can see this


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